Carnegie Mellon University

Eduardo Miranda Publications

Refereed Journals


Refereed Conferences


  • Teaching Agile Project Management by Combining Group Interaction and Simulation2018 Teaching & Learning Summit, Eberly Center, Carnegie Mellon University.
    An activity designed to help students learn to collectively manage an agile project (Scrum) by creating situations that impact the execution of a plan created by them. These two elements the collective experience and the execution of their own plan set this activity apart from other simulations. The simulation of a 10 day Sprint is carried out in 80 minutes classroom setting.
  • Understanding the SQALE model of technical debt.
    SQALE (Software Quality Assessment based on Lifecycle Expectations, Letouzey 2011) is a method to estimate the technical debt of a software artifact as measured against an internal quality model. While the method is not all encompassing it will give an idea of the overall quality of the code and used during development, can give teams and managers an early warning of serious deviations and the type of shortcuts being used by the developers.

Invited Contributions

  • Release Planning & Buffered MoSCoW Rules, ASSE 2013 - 14th Argentine Symposium on Software Engineering / 42 JAIIO (Argentine Conference on Informatics), September 16th, 2013, Cordoba, Argentina
  • Calculating Project Contingencies To Avoid Software Project Failures, with Dr. Alain Abran, Projects & Profits, The ICFAI University Press, India, December 2007
  • Building SEI Level 4 Into A Project Management Method, with Anders Hemre and Gaetano Lombardi, European Software Engineering Process Group Conference, London, June 2005

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