Miranda Talks Agile Magic at JIS.uy 2019
By Jen Potter
Dr. Eduardo Miranda, Associate Teaching Professor in the Institute for Software Research (ISR), Masters of Software Engineering (MSE) Programs, was an invited speaker at the second annual Jornadas de Ingeniería de Software (JIS.uy), hosted by Ingeniería de Software in Uruguay (IS.uy) and held at the campus of Facultad de Ingeniería in Montevideo in early October.
The IS.uy is a coalition of universities and industry partners dedicated to the promotion and development of the field of software engineering in Uruguay. By building a strong community, the organization hopes to generate synergy, and foster and strengthen the links between industry and academia. IS.uy hosts meetups (MIS.uy), the software engineering conference, offers courses by different universities and invited talks by professors, and facilitates projects that promote collaboration between industry and academia in Uruguay.
In keeping with the mandate of the organization, participants in the Software Engineering Conference were drawn from academia and industry, all with strong links to South America. Also attending from Carnegie Mellon was Forrest Shull, the assistant director for empirical research at the Software Engineering Institute and 2020 IEEE Computer Society President-Elect, who was the keynote speaker.
Dr. Miranda gave a talk titled “Agile Methods: The secrets behind the magic” in which he discussed the choices and mechanisms that should be used to ensure that agile methods work well, and what the consequences are of not conforming to those methods. On the second day of the conference, he led a workshop called “Milestone Driven Agile Execution”.